1. Crater Lake
Lake Crater Lake is a beautiful lake found in the United States. This fund has a stunning blue color and water clarity in brilliant, and forms the main feature at Crater Lake National Park. The lake has almost no signs of pollution. The lake was formed about 7,700 years ago when Mount Mazama erupted. It is believed that the Native American view of Mount Mazama Klamath falls and the formation of Crater Lake. Legends and stories told of the battle between the god of the sky, Skell and Llao, the god of the underworld. Destroyed during the fighting, and mountain lakes have been created
2. Lake Coatepeque
Coatepeque lake formed after a series of large eruptions and 54 000 72 000 years ago. Since the two major eruptions era, cinder cones and volcanic domes have been formed. This lake is about 26km2, making it one of the largest lake in El Salvador, and has hot springs along its borders. In the lake there is an island called Teopan, which is an important sacred Mayan sites.
3. Lake Towada
Lake Towada is Japan's largest crater lake, and the 12th largest lake in Japan. It is located in an active volcanic caldera, with the last major eruption dating back 13,000 years. The lake is actually located in a caldera doubles as a small explosion that caused others under collapsed caldera lake about 5,400 years ago. Volcanic eruptions in recorded history stretches well, and the last known eruption was around 1000 years ago, causing ash and pyroclastic flows destroyed to impede plant, and lower the temperature further brings with it a very cold winter and the harsh famine.
4. Ijen lake
Ijen lake is a crater lake that is found in East Java, in Indonesia. It is located in a group of stratovolcanoes, in the Ijen Volcano. It is 1km wide acid lake with a beautiful turquoise color. This is also the site for mining sulfur, because there is an active vent on one side of the lake, which constantly bring sulfur to the surface, from where it broke into pieces and carried out of the crater in the basket. The, red hot liquid, sulfur is guided out of the hole through ceramic pipes, which deposits on the floor, where it cools, turns into bright yellow color
5. Lake Laach
Laach lake is a crater lake, with a diameter of about 9km and can be found in the Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, near the city of Koblenz (24 km), Bonn (37 km), Andernach (8 km), and Mayen (11 km), and only 8km away from the river Rhine. large crater formed after the eruption, which occurred approximately 12,900 years ago. eruption caused global cooling, and tephra from the eruption can be found throughout Europe, with a unique mineral is now commonly found in the area.
6. Lake Taupo
Lake Taupo is situated on the North Island of New Zealand, and is the largest lake in New Zealand. has a surface area of about 616km square and is believed to have created about 26,500 years ago. The largest known eruption in at least 69,000 years and measured 8 on the VEI scale, leading to collapse and creating crater lakes. It is believed to have erupted about 27 times after the initial incident, and the last major eruption can be dated back to 180 AD.
7. Lake Toba
Lake Toba is a large crater lake found on the island of Sumatra. with a length of 100 km and 30 km wide, which is the largest lake in Indonesia, and the largest mountain lake in the world. This fund is created + / - 70,000 years ago when the big super volcano erupted. The eruption is believed to have readings VEI 8, and causing a global winter, where most of the people alive at that time died. This creates a population bottleneck in the Middle East and Africa in India, which has affected the genetic diversity of each person on this earth.
8. Crater katami
Mount Katami is found in the peninsula of Alaska. In the middle there is a crater lake filled, about 4 km in diameter. craters formed on the Novarupta eruption of 1912, and now reached the outskirts of Crater 6716 feet up. Little is known about the huge volcanic eruption before in 1912, because aspects of inhabited areas, but the record left by some nearby villages, from the year 1800, that a volcano will erupt in the area on occasion.
The eruption in 1912, is one of the two largest eruptions of the 20th century has ever seen (the other is Mount Pinatubo in 1991). Long 60 hours of actual eruption occurred about 6 miles away from the mountain, in an active ventilation. Eruption caused the caldera to fall exactly in the crater of the mountain, creating a crater lake.
9. Lake heaven
The lake is located on the border between China and North Korea. The lake is located within the crater and covers about 9.82 km ². This is a beautiful lake that is usually covered in ice from October to June. It is also the home of a legendary monster called Tianchi. The first sighting came in 1903, and it is said that there were buffalo like creature that attacked three people and then retreated back into the water, after being shot six times. In 1962, a man looking through a telescope reported that he saw two chasing each other creature in the water, and hundreds of people were confirmed sightings on the same day. Description of the monster changed over the years, for a human like head on the neck 1.5 meters, with a white ring around the base of the neck and gray skin. In 2007, a reporter named Zhuo Yongsheng he shot 20-minute video, featuring six unidentified creatures swimming in the lake. He released a still frame movie, in which six are messy creatures swim and interact with one another. He said they swam around for almost an hour and a half before resigning under water
10. Lake Nyos
Lake Nyos is a crater lake with a length of 2km, located at the North West of Cameroon. This lake has a magma chamber beneath it, a continuous carbon dioxide seeping into the lake, turning water into carbonic acid. For thousands of years of carbon dioxide seeping into the lake, has become saturated with carbon dioxide, which has some devastating effects, on August 2, 1986. A land slide caused the lake release 1.6 million tons of carbon dioxide, which rises about 100 miles per hour and came pouring lip of the lake. Choking cloud of more than 1,700 people and 3,500 cattle located in a radius of 25km from the lake. This is the first known mass of shortness of breath due to natural events, and the most dangerous lake lake named by the Guinness World Records after the incident. Scientists are still working on the degassing of the lake to make it more secure.
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