Giant or Great Wall of China
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11/07/2011 12:41:00 PM
Great Wall of China
Great Wall of China or the Great Wall of China (Traditional Chinese: 长城; Simplified Chinese: 长城; Pinyin: Changcheng), also known in China as long as the Great Wall of 10,000 Li ¹ (万里长城; 万里长城; Wanli Changcheng) is the longest building ever built by humans, is located in the People's Republic of China.
Its length is 6400 kilometers (from Sanhai Pass area in the east to Lop Nur in the west) and the height of 8 meters in order to prevent the invasion of North Mongoldari nation at that time. The width of the top 5 m, while the width of the bottom 8 m. Every 180-270 m made a kind of tower. High tower is 11-12 m.
To create a giant wall, it can take hundreds of years in the age range of the emperor. Initially, Qin Shi-huang is estimated that commence construction of the wall, but according to research and record the history of literature, the wall had been made before the Qin Dynasty stand, precisely first built in the Warring States Period. Emperor Qin Shi-huang continue development and strengthening of the walls that had been built earlier.
After the death of Qin Shi-huang, making this wall had stopped and only resumed in the Sui Dynasty, the last was continued again at the time of the Ming Dynasty. Form the Great Wall we now see is the result of development of Sun earlier era. The inside walls of earth mixed with bricks and rocks. The top was made the main road to the Chinese cavalry.
Great Wall of China's development history can be traced to the 9th century BC. At that time, governments in the central part of China to connect the fort and the lighthouse which is a military checkpoint at the border into one long wall in order to fend off ethnic groups from northern China. Until the Chunqiu Period and the Warring States, a battle raged between the countries principality of mutual confrontation.
Those countries for the sake of his own defense in a row to build a big wall on a hill and a mountain located in the border area. In the year 221 BC, Emperor Qinshihuang unify China. After that, the Emperor Qinshihuang ordered that the walls built by various countries principality was spliced into one big wall of the fortifications to fend off cavalry attacks on the nomadic ethnic Monggolia northern grasslands of China.
Great Wall at that time length is 5000 kilometers more. Great Wall at coordination after the collapse of the Qin Dynasty Han extended to 10 thousand miles more. In the history of 2000 years ago, the authorities at various times never stop building the Great Wall so its total length reaches 50 thousand kilometers, which is enough to orbit the earth once more.
Which we call the Great Wall is now mostly a big wall that was built during the Ming Dynasty in power between the years 1368 and 1644. Stems from its western end at Jiayu Fortress West China's Gansu Province and the eastern end is located on the Yalu River Northeast China's Liaoning Province after passing through nine provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions along the 7300 kilometers, or equal to 14 thousand li of China. Thus, the Great Wall was called a "wall length of 10 thousand li" in Chinese.
As the fortifications, the Great Wall was built by following the course of the mountaintops. He passed a very complex topography, among others, Gurung sand, grassland and marsh. To adjust to its topography, development practitioners to implement the Great Wall and the incredible structure is different. All this suggests the ancestor of the Chinese intelligence.
Great Wall winding down the mountain peaks mamanjang almost impossible to be conquered by the enemy in ancient times because of the mountains and slopes on which the wall was too steep to climb.
The Great Wall was built with large stones interspersed with soil and rock fragments. Height is approximately 10 meters and a width of about 5 meters, enough for 4 horses running side by side. Thus, it is very easy to maneuver troops and transportation of food and weapons. On the wall was built in the door and stairs to climb down.
Great Wall connected with the castle or tower fire every sector, where the stored weapons and food supplies. The fort and the fire tower was used as a resting place for soldiers in time of peace and is a stronghold to fend off enemy attacks at the time of war. Also, once known to the enemy's aggression, the tower will be lit flame of fire by night and smoke during the day so the news of an enemy attack can spread throughout the country in the near future.
In important sectors of the Great Wall, for example strategic trajectory, the mountain pass and the border mountains with the sea is usually built loft big gate. Attic-loft gate not only looks magnificent, but also reflects the brilliant art of ancient Chinese architecture. Now most of the attic that gate has turned into a tourist attraction, for example Attic Shanhaiguan Gate at the eastern end of the Great Wall, dubbed as China's number one gate loft and attic Gate Badaling Great Wall Juyongguan sector around Beijing.
Great Wall as a function of military fortifications are now no longer exists, but the beauty of its architecture is still very impressive.
The beauty of the Great Wall is reflected in the grandeur, power and greatness. Removing the view from a distance to the Great Wall, a big high wall that extends for thousands of miles it looks like a gigantic dragon-geliut menggeliang down the mountains; when viewed from close range, then the wall was filled with the charm of art with diverse architecture.
The Great Wall is the result of sweat-soaked toil and blood and infused intelligence of Chinese people in ancient times. How heavy construction projects on the ancient Great Wall which is still low productive forces is difficult to imagine.
The Chinese symbol
China is a country with a long history, brilliant culture, and rich with sights.
At least 29 natural heritage and cultural heritage of the world are in China. It shows the ingenuity and craft people of China. Number of world heritage in China it ranks third in the world.
Great Wall or Great Wall of China is considered as one of "seven wonders of the world". Great Wall of China is an ancient military defense project the longest period of manufacture and most major projects in the world.
Great Wall of China is said to be the first time in the 9th century BC. For the sake of blocking an attack on a portion of the northern tribes, the government in central China at that time had made a connecting wall fortifications in the area of demarcation, that's the earliest Great Wall.
China's famed Great Wall it contains the spirit and feelings of the Chinese and has now become the symbol of the Chinese
secrets of great wall of china power
The secret of the strength and longevity Wall of China lies in the sticky adhesive that is used as a mixture of cement, according to the invention a number of Chinese scientists.
Dr. Zhang said the use of sticky rice is one of the biggest technical innovation at the time.
The workers build the Great Wall during the Ming Dynasty, about 600 years ago by mixing sticky rice flour with chalk, as a standard mixture of adhesive material, said Dr.. Zhang Bingjian.
A mixture of sticky rice is so closely tied bricks many weeds can not grow. However, rejection occurs widely in southern China to the construction of the Wall of Ming Emperor asking for rice harvest in the south for food and as a mixture of cement workers.
"The ancient cement glue mixture, consisting of such a special blend of organic and inorganic," said Dr. Zhang, an expert in chemistry from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou city, east China, as reported by the Telegraph.
"Organic component, amylopectin, is derived from rice slurry were added to the mixture of cement," he added.
"Inorganic component is calcium carbonate and the organic component is amylopectin from rice. Amylopectin helped create a dense microstructure, making the Great Wall is more stable and have greater mechanical strength," according to a report in the journal of the American Chemical Society.
Dr. Zhang said, the use of sticky rice, staple food of East Asia, is one of the biggest technical innovation at the time, which helps the various tombs, pagodas and the wall during the Ming Dynasty from the blow of the weather, earthquakes and other natural disasters.
7 Wonders of the New World: a place / object in the world which is a miracle the choice of the 100 million people around the world via internet sites and short messages (SMS) mobile phone, which was held by the Swiss Foundation named The New7Wonders Foundation in collaboration with several agencies / foundations other world.