Yogyakarta Indrayanti Beach Tourism (Pulang Sawal Beach)

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Yogyakarta Indrayanti Beach Tourism (Pulang Sawal Beach)

A Brief Review of Indrayanti Beach Yogyakarta (Pulang Sawal Beach)

  • Located in Wonosari, to the east of Sundak Beach, Indrayanti Beach is a new beach in Yogyakarta. Indrayanti Beach is no less beautiful than other beaches around the Wonosari area. This beach is not too big, this means that the beach area is not visited by many tourists so you can enjoy the natural beauty around the beach more calmly and optimally.
  • Indrayanti Beach can be an alternative beach holiday for you, because apart from being treated to the beauty of the beach, we can also enjoy food that can be bought on the edge of the beach. There is a restaurant in the form of a gazebo which provides a variety of seafood and green Lombok vegetables for visitors. The gazebo will give a more natural impression for you to enjoy the beach.

What's interesting about Indrayanti Beach Yogyakarta (Pulang Sawal Beach):

Apart from the restaurants on the edge of the beach, Indrayanti Beach also has facilities in the form of accommodation and jet skis that can be used by visitors. The rates set to enjoy this facility are relatively affordable, to stay at the accommodation for one night, you will only be charged 350 thousand to 650 thousand where you will also get facilities for playing jetski on the beach. The accommodation is directly on the beach so it is very interesting to directly see the beach view.

Complete facilities including smooth road infrastructure

  • Clean and white sand
  • There is musical entertainment for visitors
  • There are life guards or officers whose job is to look after and help when a visitor drowns
  • Hotel on the beach

Entrance ticket to Indrayanti Beach Yogyakarta (Pulang Sawal Beach):

  • For entrance tickets to tourist attractions per person Rp. 4,000 (Normal day) *
  • For entrance tickets to tourist attractions per person Rp. 5,000 (Holidays) *
  • Bus Parking Ticket: Rp. 15,000,- *
  • Car Parking Ticket: Rp. 5000,- *
  • Motorcycle Parking Ticket: Rp. 2000,- *
  • *Prices may change at any time

Yogyakarta Indrayanti Beach tourist opening hours (Pulang Sawal Beach):

Open every day

Facilities available at the Yogyakarta Indrayanti Beach tourist attraction (Pulang Sawal Beach)?

  • Toilet
  • Gazebo
  • Prayer room
  • Food stalls
  • Spacious parking area
  • Entertainment
  • SAR
  • Lodging
  • Beachfront hotel

How to get to the location of Indrayanti Beach Yogyakarta (Pulang Sawal Beach):

  • Alternative 1: From Wonosari City to the South, namely towards Baron Beach, at kilometer 8 or 9 there is a large T-junction in Mulo village (100 m after the swimming pool).
  • Alternative 2: From the Mulo T-junction, take the left direction, namely towards Tepus or Jepitu. The hamlets or villages to pass are Mentel, Sidoharjo/Bintaos (there is the Tepus District office or Halaga supermarket) and continue until the T-junction at Tepus village - take the one to the right to Indrayanti beach. Distance: Wonosari-Mulo T-junction (8km). Mulo-Tepus junction (17 km). Tepus-Indrayanti Beach T-junction (5km).

Advice when at the beach:

  • You should use protection such as a jacket because the wind is very strong
  • Book a place to eat first before playing on the beach. This is because there are lots of visitors, especially during holidays.

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