Sunan Ampel-Grave of Sunan Ampel was in Kelurahan, Kecamatan Ampel Semampir, Surabaya, East Java Municipality. Due to its location in the middle of the city, the tomb of Sunan Ampel easily accessible by four-wheeled vehicles And two-wheelers. this place many arriving pilgrims who want to visit the grave of Sunan Ampel.
The tomb of Raden Mohammad Ali Rahmatullah or better known as Sunan Ampel, located behind the mosque. To reach the Tomb must go through a nine-arch, according to cardinal directions, symbolizing the wali songo or the nine guardians.
Three gate is the original building remains of Sunan Ampel. Grave of Sunan Ampel adjacent to the grave of his first wife, Mrs Condrowati, who was a descendant of King Brawijaya Five.
In the Tomb complex there is also a Sunan Ampel was the Tomb guards and santri-santri Sunan Ampel. Among the tombs of Dharma that add up to nine Mbah. Mbah of Dharma is said to have died nine times, therefore the mausoleum there are nine.
In addition, there is also the tomb of Mbah a daylight raid. During his lifetime, Mbah a name on a daylight raid has Sonhaji, an expert in determining the direction of the winds. Especially for determining the direction of Qibla.
The uniqueness and value of historical Mosque is situated at the pole 16 penyangganya made of teak wood measuring 17 meters without a connection.Bahaya this is still solid, but its age is over 600 years old.
In the pole there are buffer carvings of the ancient Majapahit remains, which means Oneness of God. The mosque has 48 gates which are still the original, one and a half metres in diameter, and height of two metres.
Other buildings that became the hallmark of this mosque is 50 meters tall tower. In the past, the tower serves as a call to prayer. On the Tower there is a dome-shaped verandah of Java, with coat of arms carved Crown-shaped Sun, which is a symbol of the triumph of Majapahit.
In this place there are also historic wells. But now covered with iron.Well water is believed to have advantages such as zamzam in Mecca. Its diverse, which is believed to be a drug. The pilgrims often carried water as souvenirs.
The Route To Reach The Grave Of Sunan Ampel:
For private cars can direct towards Religious Tourism Sunan Ampel.
To take a bus from the terminal is Purabaya, further take bus destinations Red Bridge Plaza, go take a taxi or Rickshaw at a cost of around Rp. 8,000.
For a train ride can get off at the station and then boarded a rickshaw with Ant it costs IDR 7000.
History and Biography Sunan Ampel
Sunan Ampel was one member of a awfully giant Walisanga services within the development of Islam in Java. Sunan Ampel was the daddy of the Trustees.From his birth the Islamic preaching in top notch on earth ground. the initial name was Raden Rahmat Sunan Ampel. whereas the term is kewaliannya, sunan title and name it or Denta Ampel Ampel is attributed to his residence, an area close to Surabaya1.
He was born in 1401 A.d. in Champa. consultants to see the problem here, as nonetheless of Champa there's a written statement moreover as an inscription showing the Champa Kingdom in Malacca or Java. Spy Chief Saif ad-Din (1979) are convinced that Champa was another of the Acehnese, Champaca so Champa is in kerejaan space of Aceh. Hamka (1981) holds constant, if it's true that it's not that in Champa Annam, Indo China in accordance Enscyclopaedia Van Nederlandsch Indie, however in Aceh.
Dad or Raden Rahmat Sunan Ampel named Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Maulana Maghribi, that came to be known
Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim with the term. His mother was the goddess Chandrawulan, siblings, MOM Daughter Dwarawati Raden Murdiningrum Fatah, the wife of the King of Majapahit, Brawijaya v. Wife Sunan Ampel is twofold: the goddess and Goddess Karimah Chandrawati. together with his 1st wife, Goddess, had 2 individuals Karimah kids namely: Goddess Murtasih who became the wife of Raden Fatah (the 1st sultan of Demak Bintoro Kingdom Islam) and Goddess Murtasimah who became the Queen Consort of Raden Paku or Sunan Giri. together with his second wife, the goddess of Chandrawati, Sunan Ampel gained 5 kids, namely: Siti Syare'at, Siti, Siti Mutmainah, Raden Maulana Makdum Sofiah, Ibrahim or Sunan Bonang, and Airport or Raden Kosim became referred to as Sunan Drajat or typically known as Sunan Sedayu.
Sunan Ampel was referred to as being knowledgeable and had high and alim, terribly educated and gained a profound education regarding Islam. Sunan Ampel was additionally known to possess morals are lofty, magnanimous and have high social considerations against social issues.