
Administratively, this island including the District of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Komodo Island is the most western tip of East Nusa Tenggara province, bordering the province of West Nusa Tenggara.
On the island of Komodo, Komodo animals live and breed well. Until August 2009, on this island there are about 1,300 Komodo dragons tail. Coupled with the other islands, such as Island and Rinca and Gili Motang, their numbers totaled about 2500 tails. There are also approximately 100 individuals dragons in Wae Wuul Nature Reserve on the mainland island of Flores, but not including the Komodo National Park.
Besides Komodo, this island also store a variety of exotic flora that Sepang wood by local people used as a medicinal and dye clothing, nitak tree Sterculia oblongata in this or believe to be useful as medicines and seeds are tasty and delicious like peas.
In 1910 the Dutch named the island on the south side of East Nusa Tenggara province is the nickname of the island of Komodo. This story begins with Lieutenant Steyn van Hens Broek who tries to prove statements about the presence of Dutch troops large animal resembling a dragon on the island. Steyn then kill a dragon and bring documentation to the Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor to be investigated.
In 2009, the Park has been named a finalist in the "New Seven Wonders of Nature" that the new announced in 2010 through a vote
This is the story about the dragon. Not just a legend, but it is really a dragon which is still inhabited the islands of eastern Indonesia and the middle. The giant reptiles of the world has a reputation as a top predator in its class.
Since the first on the island of Komodo, Flores ranks Islands, Indonesia, has emerged the story of a giant dragon. Many sailors are told that the dragon is more like a scary monster.
Its tail can knock down a huge buffalo with a single flick. His jaws large and strong, to be able to swallow a wild pig in one fell swoop. And always spitting fire from his mouth.
The story was widely circulated and could attract the attention of many people. But no one had ever dared to approach the island to prove it. Until finally in the early 1910s, reports surfaced of the combat force the Dutch fleet, based in Flores about the mysterious creature allegedly "dragon" inhabit a small island in the Lesser Sunda Islands (now ranks Islands Flores, East Nusa Tenggara).
The sailors of the Dutch military gave a report that the creature is likely to be measuring up to seven meters in length, with a giant's body and mouth are constantly spitting fire. Lieutenant Steyn van Hensbroek, an official of the Dutch Colonial Administration in the Flores hearing these reports and stories that surround the island of Komodo. He also planned a trip to Komodo Island.
Having armed himself and took a team of trained soldiers, he landed on the island. After a few days on the island, Hensbroek managed to kill a strange species.
He took him to headquarters and length measurements were taken that catch length of approximately 2.1 meters. The shape is very similar to a lizard. Animals were then photographed (documented) by Peter A Ouwens, Director of the Zoological Museum and Botanical Gardens, Bogor, Java. This is the first documentation of the Komodo dragon.
Ouwens interested in finding these strange animals. He then recruited a cunning hunter to catch specimens for him. The hunters managed to kill two dragons tail measuring 3.1 meters and 3.35 meters, plus the capture of two pups, each measuring one meter below.
Based on the catch of the hunters, Ouwens do some research and concluded that the komodo dragon is not a flamethrower, but including the type of monitor lizard (monitor lizard) in the class of reptiles.
Research results are then published in a newspaper published in 1912. In the news, Ouwens give advice on behalf of the giant lizard Varanus komodoensis nickname instead of Komodo Dragon (Komodo Dragon).
Realizing the significance of dragons as an endangered species, the Dutch government issued a regulation on the protection of Komodo Island Komodo in 1915. Be the region as the Komodo dragon conservation area.
Findings komodo dragon living legends, curious world. Several scientific expeditions from various countries take turns doing research on the island of Komodo.
Prehistoric Animals that Survived
After World War I, a scientific expedition designed to conduct research dragons. In 1926, the expedition led by W. Douglas Burden of the American Museum of Natural History with the most modern research, doing research for months.
The expedition which involved dozens of people were arrested 27 dragons tail. They perform surgical anatomy and species identification. From here the first complete scientific report about the dragons made.
Described that the dragons have a large head and strong, has a pair of shining eyes, skin hard, thick and wiry. Having kelambir wrinkled skin under her neck.
The shape is similar to a lizard, with four legs and a big fat tail who is also a big fat long. Has 26 sharp teeth, each measuring 4 cm, has a forked tongue is bright red. When viewed from a distance, the tongue will resemble a fire, because dragons are often stuck out his tongue like a snake.
Komodo also hunters reliable. He bites and poison bacteria rely on saliva to paralyze prey. He will follow prey that have been hurt for days, until death, then he ate it. As a carnivore and scavenger (scavengers), dragons are only found on the island of Komodo, Rinca, Padar Island, Gili Motang Owadi and Samiin. Komodo also known as a champion of animal swimming. That's how he conducted exploration on the islands around Flores.
Meanwhile, in the mid-20th century, in Australia discovered fossils of ancient creatures that once observed is very similar to the Komodo dragon. Based on tests of carbon, the fossil was believed to have originated from the period 60-30 million years ago. This means that dragons once inhabited mainland Australia in prehistoric times.
But researchers are still puzzled by the relationship with the fossil island of Komodo dragons from Australia. Although the earth's geological history indicates that the former Australia and some islands of Indonesia is one plate, but the island of Komodo is estimated to have formed about 1 million years ago.
While based on the research, prehistoric dragons are extinct at least 30 million years ago, before the island of Komodo is formed. So why dragons are found only on Komodo Island and its surroundings? Since when did inhabit the island of Komodo dragons? While The remains were never found traces of dragons in other places (except Australia). This is one mystery that requires further research.
Komodo birth of the Mother of "Virgin"
Just 18 days ago, waiting zoologists in zoos Chester Zoo, Manchester, England, ended. A natural phenomenon that shocked the world of animal science. A Komodo dragon virgin females, successfully spawn and incubate five of them.
Based on news reported by the Associated Press, Flora the Komodo dragon's name-so-successful female that gave birth to five baby dragons without the participation of the male inhabitants of the island of Komodo in the fertilization process.
"She was amazing, we were happy to know she is the mother and father of her babies," said Kevin Buley, the zoo curator for vertebrate and invertebrate species.
In mid-January 2007, the eggs began to break after a period of eight months which occurred on January 23, 2007 peak, with the birth of five Komodo dragons. While two other egg still dieraminya.
"The application of conservation breeding program is very unusual, because it opens up new avenues, where the animals can potentially become Colony on an island," Buley said.
"Females are able to swim across a new island, and then incubate the eggs, and then dating male babies and sexually produced a generation of new normal," he added.
Accurate DNA testing gave evidence that she actually managed to give birth without the help of males.
He mentioned again, the size of the dragon babies is between 16 inches (40 cm) until it reaches 18 inches (45 cm) and weigh between 3 ½ - 4 ½ ounces (100-125 grams).
Eating Crickets and Grasshoppers
Flora the Komodo dragon descendant of the five children were born in good health and only eat crickets and grasshoppers as food diet. This is consistent with the original life of dragons in the wild.
Based on scientific knowledge, while growing up, baby-baby Komodo dragon can reach lengths of 10 feet (3 meters) and weighs about 300 pounds (135 kilograms). If it reaches this extraordinary measure, they will be able to eat round a pig or a deer.
Well, a ferocious appetite in reptiles this explains why she is not allowed to be close to her children. "There is no maternal instincts at the dragons themselves. So, it is natural to keep their children away from their parents. Parent will try to eat anything that came in front of his nose, "said Buley.
According to the data, about 70 species of reptiles including snakes and lizards are known to reproduce asexually (without having sex) in a process known scientifically as parthenogenesis. However, the conception of chastity (virginity) Flora and other Komodo dragon in April at the London Zoo was the first documented.
Two conceptions of virginity was announced in September, contained in a scientific paper in the journal Nature.
The inhabitants of the island of Komodo
Komodo dragons are native to islands of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. The island is occupied most dragons are named according to the name of this animal when it was discovered in 1910, the island of Komodo (Komodo Island).
These giant lizards including endangered animals with a population of less than 4,000 wild birds. To protect the Komodo dragon, in 1980 agreed to establish a conservation area in the form of the Komodo National Park on Komodo Island and small islands around it.
Distribution and population of Komodo dragons in the last three decades is the decline and its existence is threatened, mainly due to hunting deer, as its main prey. Even the population on the island of Padar known to have been lost since the late 1990s, whereas in the early 1980s, the Komodo dragon can still be found there. Attention and conservation of this species should be given in particular, because the population of Komodo dragons on the verge of extinction.
For some residents on the island of Komodo, the animal is considered more dangerous to humans than crocodiles, because the content of bacteria in saliva that can cause severe infections.
Typically, the Komodo dragon mating season occurs between June to July. In August, Komodo females will dig a nest of mound nests of megapode former (Megapodius reindwardt) on the hill and nest hole in the ground, to lay her eggs that can reach 38 points. Komodo dragon eggs are usually guarded by its mother, but the new child born in February or March are not guarded, even frequently eaten.
Komodo takes five years to grow to the size of two meters and can live for up to 30 years. Entering the initial period of 4-5 years are sexually mature dragons.
In 1901 the Dutch named the island on the south side of East Nusa Tenggara province is the nickname of the island of Komodo. This story begins with Lt. Steyn va Hens Broek who tries to prove statements about the presence of Dutch troops dragon looking like a monster on the island. Steyn then killed one of these dragons and bring documentation to the Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor to be investigated.
Komodo National Park is a national park in Indonesia, located near the Lesser Sunda Islands in the border region between the province of East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara. Park includes three major islands of Komodo, Rinca, and Padar, as well as a number of other small islands and a total area reaches 1,817 km ² (603 km ² land). This national park was established in 1980 to protect the Komodo dragon. Then the national park is dedicated to protecting other species, including marine species. The islands in the park originated from volcanic activity. Approximately 4000 people live inside the park. In 1991 the park was named UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Scuba diving is a popular water sport in the Park because of high seas biodiversity, including sharks, ocean sunfish, manta rays, eagle rays, tiny seahorse, false pipefish, clown Frogfish, nudibranchs, blue-ringed octopus, sponges, tunicates, and corals. \ Since 1995, the national park authority has been supported by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), an American environmental organization. The new management plan in conjunction with TNC Authored and implemented in 2000 to address the increasing problems of natural resources, both marine and terrestrial. Most of the pressure on marine fisheries resources come from the public and commercial enterprises from outside the park. However, regulations and restrictions on the use of resources affect the majority of residents in the park, which has little choice to live and depend on what has ditawarkann park. Provision of alternative livelihoods is part of the overall management strategy, but people in the park has not benefited from the appropriate steps in addressing their needs.
Development - largely marine-based - ecotourism is the main strategy to make the park self-financing and generate sufficient revenue through entrance fees and tourism licenses to cover operational and managerial costs. Until now, a joint venture between TNC and a tourism agency to tour operators of concessions, which also extends to the right of the park management. These concessions generate controversy continued. The joint venture has been accused of making unilateral decisions, so many people around Komodo which states that the joint venture have not been consulted about decisions that ultimately affect the lives of people living on the island of Komodo and surrounding areas.
The most in the spotlight of controversy caused by the death of some fishermen since the 1980s. The situation of the fishermen who died showed that they seemed to be deliberately killed. conteste. While the parks patrol (including, police and navy personnel) claim they acted in self-defense, while accusing the park managers who intentionally kills fisherman.
Komodo National Park continue to provide a sense of respect for the tourists, but the conflict between park management, TNC, and the local community continue to not find a bright spot. Komodo National Park has been nominated and became one of 28 finalists to be one of the seven new wonders of the world. Mercury Development Solutions, a real estate development company based in Bali, is one of the companies active in the promotion and support for Komodo, to make it known in the international area. Kanawa Island, is the first step taken by the company to improve the facilities and accommodations for guests, bringing to a high standard of service and friendly environment.