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Info and Tourist Facilities Kelimutu
Flores is the volcanic mountain on the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Exact location of this mountain in the village of strikes, District Flores, Ende. This mountain has three crater lakes on top. This lake is known as the Lake Three Colors because it has three different colors, namely red, blue, and white. However, the colors are always changing with the passage of time.
Flores is a combination word of "keli" which means mountain and the word "quality" which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on the lake Flores has the meaning of each and have a very powerful force of nature.
Lake or Tiwu Flores in the top three sections corresponding to the color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or "Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu" is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died. The lake is colored red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always a crime / magick. While the lake is white or "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" is a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died.
The third broad lake was approximately 1.051 million square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters of water. Boundary between the lake is a narrow stone wall prone to landslides. The wall is very steep with a 70-degree angle. Wall height of the lake ranges from 50 to 150 meters.
Beginning of this area discovered by Van Such Telen Lio, Mom Dutch citizen Mr. Lio, 1915. Its beauty is widely known after the Y. Bouman describes in his writings in 1929. Since then the foreign tourists started coming to enjoy the lake known as the armature for the local community. Those who came not only a lover of beauty, but also researchers who want to know the natural occurrence is very rare.
Flores region has been determined to be a National Nature Conservation Area since February 26, 1992.
wonders of the mountains and Lake Flores
Ende hilly extraordinary beauty store. It was there, at the top of Mount Flores, Flores National Park, there is Lake Flores or Lake Three Colors. In fact, the lake is the world's known as one of the nine wonders of the world.
Kelimutu the altitude 1690 m asl is a mountain that is unique and interesting because it has a crater lake in which the form of 3 3 lake has three distinct colors.
The mountain is located in the Village District Perno Ende Flores Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Flores is a combination word of "keli" which means mountain and the word "quality" which means to boil. According to local belief, the color - the color of the lake have the meanings respectively Flores - each and have a very powerful force of nature.
This lake is known as the Lake Three Colors because it has three different colors, namely red, blue, and white. Even so, the color - the color is always changing - change over time. No less was 12 times the color change occurred within the last 25 years. The first and second lake is located very close together, while the third lake is located about 1.5 km in the west. Discoloration is allegedly due to the refraction of sunlight, the micro-biota, water, the dissolved chemicals, and due to the reflection color of the walls and bottom of the lake.
Lake or Tiwu Flores is divided into three sections corresponding to the color - the color that is in the lake. Blue lake or "Nuwa Muri Koo Fai Tiwu" is a gathering place for young people - mudi who have died. The lake is colored red or "Tiwu Ata Polo" is a gathering place for the soul of people - people who have died, and during his life is always a crime / magick. While the lake is white or "Tiwu Mbupu Ata" is a gathering place for the soul - the soul of parents who have died.
The third broad lake was approximately 1.051 million square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters of water. Boundary between the lake is a narrow stone wall prone to landslides. The wall is very steep with a 70-degree angle. Wall height of the lake ranges from 50 to 150 meters.
Beginning of this area were found by Van Such Telen, residents negaraBelanda, 1915. Its beauty is widely known after the Y. Bouman describes in his writings in 1929. Since then the foreign tourists started coming to enjoy the lake known as the armature for the local community. Those who came not only a lover of beauty, but also researchers who want to know the natural occurrence is very rare. For fans of hiking and love the natural beauty of tropical mountain village, a trip to this place is the best option.
Flores region has been determined to be a National Nature Conservation Area since February 26, 1992. To achieve Kelimutu that had erupted in 1886, the need to "struggle" of its own. From the town of Maumere, Sikka regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, it took about 3 hours with a rented car with road conditions are not too good, berkelak - winding, across ravines and cliffs. We will meet with the village closest to the crater of Mount Flores called Kampung Moni. The village is located in the Village Koanara, District Wolowaru, Ende within 13 miles of Lake Flores. From Moni only takes about 45 minutes to reach the lip of Lake Flores.
Apart from Maumere, Flores also can be reached from Ende using intercity bus or rental vehicle, with the price and travel time is relatively not much different. From the NTT provincial capital, Kupang namely, visitors can use the plane to the town of Ende, Flores Island, with travel time to 40 minutes. Flores is located approximately 66 kilometers from the city of Ende and 83 kilometers from the town of Maumere.
In the village of Moni being sold Lio woven fabric which became one of the local typical products and sold there by the locals to the tourists. In the village of Moni also contained lodgings that can be used by travelers to stay or rest. There are around 20 homestays run by residents at the rate of Rp 25,000 - Rp 50,000 per night while the government-owned cottage cost Rp 75,000 - Rp 85,000. per night. Edelweis, Pine and Cypress was the number of plants that can be encountered when entering
A. Glance
Lake Flores, located at the top of Mount Flores is entered in the series of National Park Flores. The lake is located at an altitude of 1631 meters above sea level.
Some of the flora that can be found around the lake, among others Kesambi (Schleichera oleosa), Casuarina (Casuarina equisetifolia) and perennial flowers Edelweiss. While the fauna around the lake, including deer (Cervus timorensis), boar (Sus sp.), Forest Chicken (Gallus Gallus) and Eagle (Elanus sp.)
B. Feature
Lake Flores has three giant puddle. Each color has a pool of water that is always changing every year. Water in one of three pools of red and can be dark green and red hearts; in other pools of dark green to light green, and in all three pools of brown-black to blue sky.
C. Location
In administrative, Lake Flores is in 3 districts, namely District Detsuko, District and Sub Wolowaru Ndona, all three are under the auspices II Ende regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province.
D. Access
From the NTT provincial capital, Kupang namely, visitors can use the plane to the town of Ende, Flores Island, with travel time to 40 minutes. Upon arrival in Ende, proceed with using public transport in the form of a mini bus, heading Kaonara Village, a distance of 93 km, with a travel time of about 3 hours. From the Village to the summit Koanara Lake Flores, travelers must walk along the 2.5 km.
E. Admission
Until February 2008, reported that on a weekday, visitors are charged entrance fee of Rp. 3000, but on weekends, ie Saturday and Sunday, visitors are charged Rp. 5000.
F. Accommodation and Other Facilities
For being one of the mainstay attraction for local government, then the accommodation around the lake enough attention.
There is a guard shack, shelter, shelter for visitors, toilets, parking capacity that can accommodate about 20 cars, as well as several small inns for tourists who want to stay.
An appreciation of this area membanggakan.Awal originally discovered by Van Such Telen, a Dutch citizen, in 1915. Its beauty is widely known after the Y. Bouman describes in his writings in 1929. Since then the foreign tourists started coming to enjoy the lake known as the armature for the local community. Those who came not only a lover of beauty, but also researchers who want to know the natural occurrence is very rare.
Flores region has been determined to be a National Nature Area Koservasi since February 26, 1992.
Kelimutu is a high mountain 1640 meters above sea level (dapl), has three crater at the summit called Lake Flores.
Third lake water color Flores has different and changing every moment. From the color red to dark green then red hearts. Sometimes a blackish brown and blue.