Krakal beaches including the beautiful beach when compared to the beaches located along the island of Java. This beach receives the heat of the sun from morning hinga evening throughout the year. Sea breeze which blows very cool and the waves were big enough.
Krakal coast has gently sloping and sandy texture of white that lay more than 5 kilometers. This beach is the beach area and developed into a tourist village, especially foreign tourists.
The trip to the beach is across the limestone hills are interspersed with rock terraces. This is a hallmark of local residents managed karts.

Krakal beach can be reached via the road along the 6 miles of beach area Kukup. Arguably it is this beach to be the last series after the visit to the beach and Kukup Baron. The distance from the city of Yogyakarta beach is about 65 kilometers which can be completed in approximately 3 hours.
OPENING HOURS Open every day.
lies the beach Krakal
The beach is located in the Village Ngestiharjo Krakal-Tepus, District Tepus, with coordinates 456 266 mT, and mT 9099454. Figure 3 above shows the location Krakal Beach.
Krakal beach is a beach that forms the bay forms a large angle, so it has a beautiful view when seen from one end of the beach.
Krakal Coast has a relatively choppy topography (undulating) with a beach or a beach slope of 10.25 ° or 18.08% belong to the coastal slopes of the bumpy conditions.
Krakal coast has limestone rock types with a level of moderate to vigorous physical weathering, the type of limestone bedrock, the soil is formed on the Mediterranean coast including the type. The following figure shows the Gulf Krakal which form a large angle.
The width of the sediment on the beach Krakal is 13.9 m, tidal range in the coastal littoral Krakal approximately 13.4 meters. Littoral tidal range is very short when compared with Baron Beach, this is caused by the steep slopes of coastal Krakal.
Krakal beach sediment grain diameter of 1.225 mm, sediment grain is included into the type of beach sand is very coarse sediment that is Φ = -0293 (Wenthworth scale). Item sedimennya brightly colored almost uniformly in all parts of the beach. This indicates that sediment grain on the beach Krakal proceeds of seabed piling deposited on the beach.
Sea water in coastal waters Krakal have salinity of 33 ‰. Sea temperatures in coastal waters Krakal ranged 33-36 ° C. Further away from coastlines, sea water temperature gets smaller. Large degree of acidity Krakal coastal waters ranged from 8 to 8.5. acidity values along the coast Krakal not have large variations.
Wave energy on the beach is 166 joules Krakal, belong to the class of weak wave energy. Wave energy is derived from the pounding ocean waves break on the beach in the breaker zone is not too far away from the coastline. Wind speed at the beach Krakal is 73.4 meters per second.
Krakal beach is a beach that has a shape protruding into the ground like a large bay, with coral attached to the edge of the beach. These conditions make Krakal beach has a small wave energy so that energy to the coastline is also small, it makes easier to shore Krakal seaweed used as a living habitat.
This is also supported by the presence of a substrate reef seaweed life. Utilization of seaweed on the beach was practically Krakal more advanced compared to other beaches, as has been well managed by the University of Gadjah Mada University to be used as a source of protein.
But the beach Krakal not have access to electricity that makes this beautiful beach has not been able to develop their use to the field of tourism. Other uses are agriculture Krakal beach catching fish without a boat and mine sand and shells for tourist souvenirs sold to craftsmen beach which is usually found on the beach Baron.
ENTRY TICKET Motorcycle: Rp1000,00 Car: Rp 2000,00 TIPS & TRICKS - beautiful blue ocean and the hills around the beach is a beautiful sight when it is appropriate immortalized on this beach. - For those who want to swim, do not be too far into the deep, dangerous.