Baron Beach of Jogja
By -
10/31/2011 08:13:00 PM
Baron Beach
Tourism Baron beaches, the most popular beaches in Gunungkidul, because this beach is the first beach to be found if you visit the cluster of sea and land smack cordial, a symbol of elegance Gunungkidul beach tourism.
Ranks of Baron Beach, Beach Kukup, Coast Along, Coastal and Beach Sundak Krakal lined there, visitors will spoil peace of heart hubbub carrier waves. Baron Beach is located in the Village Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, about 20 miles south of the city Wonosari (40 miles from the city of Yogyakarta).
Coast who witnessed the meeting between seawater and freshwater, which is the result of a river which empties into the one corner of the beach baron, as a symbol of two hearts although with different backgrounds.
The tourists will be pampered with a beauty of the wind waves which deliver tuk making out with sand, so patiently waiting for her lover. The results of Baron wealth as large shrimp (lobster), white pomfret fish, snapper, tuna are ready to pamper guests, both of which are still fresh and ready to eat. As a Recommendation, the menu mainstay here is Sop Kakap.
One moment is shockingly not miss the Sea Alms Ceremony organized by the local fishing community in the calendar each month suro Java, as an expression of gratitude to Almighty God for an abundance of seafood that has been given.
Baron Beach is located in the Village Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, about 23km south of the city Wonosari, is the first beach to be found from a series of Baron Beach area, Kukup, Along, Drini, Krakal and Sundak.
On the beach there are also underground river estuary that can be used for bathing after playing in the sea. In addition visitors can also enjoy a variety of fresh seafood and fast food, at affordable prices, including the typical menu of soup Kakap Baron beach. On the east side can be achieved through a circular path there is a limestone hill, tourists can rest in the substation view, the beach sipping a refreshing air. Approximately 10 miles west towards the coast from Baron Beach there are Parang Racuk with towering hills and steep, with freely from the top of the hill.
In Java, every month Syuro year for local fishing communities of the Sea held a ceremony of Alms is an expression of gratitude to Almighty God for the abundant harvest of fish and fishing safety at sea.
Infrastructure road leading into town Wonosari is quite good, with winding roads through - winding up and down, following the beautiful scenery. Yogyakarta public transport - buses and micro Wonosari form - buses are available in sufficient quantities.
The distance between Wonosari with Baron beach approximately 20 kilometers, with the condition of the paved road, across the limestone hills known as the mountain a thousand. Baron Beach is the bay is flanked by a wall of green hills, filled with coconut trees. This bay is the estuary of the river under a rock, where the water is clear enough.
Baron beach waves rather large, but the visitors still be able to swim at this beach to the extent acceptable to her, which is marked with a span of wire that are spread out over the bay. Baron Kalan is also the commander of the fishermen, most of them had equipped the boat - the boat with the engine, so it can reach a wider sea.
Among adolescents and scout camping activities often do in this place, in addition to conducting cross-country to the hills - hills surrounding the bay shore ..